In accordance with the provisions of Notice No. 05/2019 of 30 August, from Banco Nacional de Angola, the individual financial statements of Banco Millennium Atlântico, S.A. are prepared on a Going concern basis and in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS).

The financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2022 were approved at the Board of Directors meeting held on 16 March 2023.

Individual Balance Sheets
Individual Income Statement
Individual Statements of Comprehensive Income
Individual Statement of Changes in Equity
Individual Cash Flow Statement


Notes to the Financial Statements
1. IntroductionX
Notes to the Financial Statements
2. Accounting policiesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
3. Critical accounting estimates and judgments used in the preparation of the financial statementsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
4. Cash and deposits at central banksX
Notes to the Financial Statements
5. Loans and advances to credit institutions repayable on demandX
Notes to the Financial Statements
6. Financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit and lossX
Notes to the Financial Statements
7. Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive incomeX
Notes to the Financial Statements
8. Financial assets at amortised cost – Debt securitiesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
9. Financial assets at amortised cost – Loans and advances to customersX
Notes to the Financial Statements
10. Financial assets at amortised cost – Other loans and advances to central banks and credit institutionsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
11. Property, plant and equipmentX
Notes to the Financial Statements
12. Intangible assetsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
13. Non-current assets held for saleX
Notes to the Financial Statements
14. TaxesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
15. Other assetsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
16. Deposits from central banks and other credit institutionsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
17. Deposits from customers and other loansX
Notes to the Financial Statements
18. ProvisionsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
19. Other liabilitiesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
20. Share capital, share premiums and treasury sharesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
21. Reserves and retained earningsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
22. Net interest incomeX
Notes to the Financial Statements
23. Profit/(loss) from fees and commissionsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
24. Profit/(loss) from financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or lossX
Notes to the Financial Statements
25. Profit/(loss) from investments at amortised costX
Notes to the Financial Statements
26. Profit/(loss) from foreign exchange differencesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
27. Profit/(loss) from the sale of other assetsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
28. Staff costsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
29. Supplies and servicesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
30. Depreciation and amortisation for the periodX
Notes to the Financial Statements
31. Provisions and impairment of other assetsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
32. Impairment of other financial assetsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
33. Impairment for financial assets at amortised costX
Notes to the Financial Statements
34. Other operating incomeX
Notes to the Financial Statements
35. Earnings per shareX
Notes to the Financial Statements
36. Off-balance sheet accountsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
37. Transactions with related partiesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
38. Fair value of financial assets and liabilitiesX
Notes to the Financial Statements
39. Risk managementX
Notes to the Financial Statements
40. Recently issued accounting standards and interpretationsX
Notes to the Financial Statements
41. Ukraine’s InvasionX
Notes to the Financial Statements
42. Events after the reporting periodX
Notes to the Financial Statements
43. Note added for translationX