
Risk Management

ATLANTICO views risk management as a central element of its strategic vision, supporting this function in a structure of collegiate bodies composed of Committees and Commissions independent of other governance structures. Therefore, the risk management function is independent of risk-generating areas and presents decision and control mechanisms directly dependent on the Bank’s Management.

Risk management governance is articulated by the following committees:

Risk Management Committee

A collegiate body responsible for supervising credit, market, liquidity, solvency and operational risks. It has the responsibility to monitor, evaluate and propose measures to correct deviations from the policies and limits defined for the several types of risk.

Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO)

It is responsible for deciding on structural measures to adjust the balance to the Bank’s strategy and objectives, as well as to analyse and discuss the evolution of the main balance sheet indicators.

Credit Committee

It has intervention in the management of credit risk. Its main responsibilities are to decide on all the operations that are submitted to it in accordance with the current credit granting policies and rules, which are embodied in a specific regulation.

Cyber Security

In order to reinforce its commitment to “Security and Confidentiality”, one of its founding pillars, ATLANTICO established the Cyber Security program. The Bank intends to strengthen the vulnerability management mechanisms of information assets, integrating the principles of Cyber Security throughout the information systems development lifecycle, in order to strengthen defences and improve resiliency against Cyber Security threats, and a strong commitment to enhance people’s awareness on related matters.


ATLANTICO assumes as a fundamental principle of its activity the prevention and active detection of money laundering and terrorism financing practices, adopting internationally recognized best practices, Angola´s legislation and a policy of cooperation with regulatory authorities responsible for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, in order to fight such practices.

In 2018, the legal and regulatory environment was marked by the reinforcement of the institutional mechanisms for monitoring the risks inherent in banking financial activity, as well as the assumptions and procedures to be observed in foreign exchange operations. This trend is due to the continuous work performed by the BNA and by other regulators to ensure the implementation of an efficient and effective regulatory framework.